Sunday, September 30, 2012


Title: Why Proposition 30 should pass.

Author: I am a 19 year old 2nd year college student. Currently attending a community college.

Date: This is during a time of economic hardship and we need this to help our state as a whole.

Topic: Proposition 30 is a Prop that raises income taxes for those making over $250,000 and an increase in sales tax for the lesser. The money will go towards education, public safety, and community programs all of which have received cuts in the prior years.

Exigence: I am writing this paper to state my opinion on why this prop should pass. Its extremely hard to get the classes you want due to all the budget cuts. Its hard to be motivated to even go to school when you can get the classes you want. On top of it, it hard to pay for school when the budget cuts raise the tuition. We need this to pass so we can get more people in school and have a better life essentially. 

Intended Audience: This paper is meant for registered voters and students in California  I want all these people to know that this proposition is and why everyone should vote for it.  

Logos: The logical reasoning that I will use in my op-ed is that proposition 30 should  pass. Prop 30 is a  proposition that is supposed to give money to k-12 schools, community colleges, and public safety. It increases tax dollars, income tax to people who make over 250,000 for seven years and increase sales tax for all the lesser. Prop 30 guarantees that money will go to public safety, and to public schools. This is crucial to the college life. More classes, more teacher and better education.

Ethos: I myself connect to this subject because I am currently a college student at a community college. My opinion matters because this prop will effect me a great deal. I am in college because I want to better my education, but that cant happen if they still make budget cuts and remove classes. It's really important to know about this as a college student. Researching this I feel like I am very qualified to explain the Prop.

Pathos: Having this prop pass could help the school systems a great deal. First if  this passes more  classes could be available around the community colleges, and more teachers. Tuition costs and other costs could go down allowing more people to go to school. We all want that "American Dream" whether its a myth or not. We would not be able to achieve this with having an even worse school system by taking more money out. This proposition needs to pass to better our community that we live in.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Prop 30

Halper, Evan. "CSU Letters to Invoke Tax Hike." Los Angeles Times [Los Angeles Ca] 15 Sept. 2012:n

The LA times states that is prop 30 passes the state will be able to enroll more students into schools. If proposition 30 passes the CSU system will be less likely to have those standard cuts and will have the funding to send out acceptance letters instead of the letters that tell those students they didn't make it into school. If prop 30 does not pass there will be more cuts to the CSU system and there will be more people who will not be able to attend school. If it fails schools could lose up to 250 millions dollars in state funding.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Reading Response # 1

In the "Report of the Massachusetts Board of Education" written in 1848 Horace Mann talks about five different types of education. Physical, Intellectual, Political, Moral, and Religious. What Mann is trying to say is by developing these types of educations better it could eventually better our society. He wants to push these five types of education in every school because he believes that this is the ticket to help make our society run better. This Article was written for the Massachusetts Legislature. 

When Mann talks about the Physical education, he wants people/students to learn the reasons why we should be healthy lives, instead of creating our death bed sooner than later."To diffuse a knowledge of these beautiful and beneficent laws of health and life throughout the length and breadth of the state; to popularize them; to make them, in the first place, the common acquisition of all, and , through education and custom, the common inheritance of all, sop that the healthful habits naturally growing out of their observance shall be inbred in the people...,"(118). Mann explains intellectual education as removing poverty and having more equality in the educational school system. He wants everyone to be able to get the same education available to the middle and even upper-class students. "The distance between the two extremes of society is lengthening, instead of being abridged"(119). What he means by political is that he feels that people living in a society should understand and know what is going on in their government that they live in. They should get the know the real truth instead of the lies that the government actually feeds us. "Yet they must, if citizens of a republic, understand something of the true nature and functions of the government under which they live"(121). Moral education as Mann explains, is a necessity of social existence. He is saying that you need moral values and family ties to explain who you are, and have something to fight and work for. " A community without a conscience would soon extinguish itself"(123). When he says religious he means that people should have a religious back ground whether they practice that or not. He just thinks that if you actually going to practice it you should learn about it. " no community will ever be religious without a religious community"(124).

I really enjoyed reading this article because I agree with a lot of what he says. The three parts I liked the most is the most were the intellectual, Political, and Moral. First the intellectual because this deals with creating equals in society which I agree with a great deal, everybody should be granted the same education no matter what house hold or where ever in the world you come from. Second, the political, we all chose to live in the country we live in and should be granted the freedom to know what is actually happening in that society  Having lies fed at us is not something that we deserve. Lastly the moral, everybody needs there morals and values to even survive. If you don't know where you came from and having nothing worth fighting for whats the point. Morals is one of the most important things in my opinion because you need to value the things in life that got you to where you are today. Teaching all five of these in schools should be required and the fact that he stated this in 1848 and some have still not been enforced as much yet is a little upsetting.  

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week One

1. I believe that "Para Teresa" is written in both English and Spanish is because is connects on more of an emotional level. Its tells the story the way it really was. Lets the reader get a good understanding of what is going on in that exact moment in time.  If the whole story or poem were to be in all English it would not make as much sense, it would just seem like another bathroom fight in elementary school. This is not what this was, this was a story about to Mexican- American women who had strong beliefs about who they were and where they came from. Having the story in two different languages really pulls the whole story together.   You really get the detail and what was really going on. Some may not be able to understand it but it connects to every reader in a personal way. I know when i read "Para Teresa" Having written both ways really made it seem realistic and like I was there. You get the intensity level of the purpose of the story. It really brings their culture into the mix. This story had a lot to do with the culture they came from and their heritage and having the two languages intermingled in this really help explain that culture.
                   2. The author in "Para Teresa" writes this story when she is 28 years old. I think she wrote this story because she had a turning point in her life. something must have triggered this. She talks about how after all these years she still remembers this girl and can call her, her sister. There had to be something in the aurthors life that triggered this childhood memory. We all have this same experience all the time. For her she went back to this moment in time when this fight happened and was now finally able to get over it. In some sence she seemed like she regretted the whole thing.The narrator has a greater understanding of Teresa because she is older now more mature and realizes that the little things like this don't matter. They are from the same heritage and she knew that she would have rather stuck with her then to fight with her and this she has regretted. She has  dewelled on the past and as she got older she has realized that there are a lot more important thing in life then to fight or argue about what is right and what is wrong in life. She realizes that things like this don't matter, what really matters is her roots and where she came from. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I Am

I am Jerry Bayless. I am 19 years ild and have been going to cabrillo for a year now. Im not to sure what I want to do, but I think Im going to work for a business degree. Eventually I would like to move to San Diego and go to school down there. In my free time I like to work on my car and skateboard. I work well with other people thats what I could bring to this class. I have a good outlook and try not to be to negative. I enjoy the little things in life.