Title: The death of Macho
Author: Reihan Salam
Date: 2008
Topic: The end of male dominance
Exigence: to show the reader how and why the idea of Macho will no longer be around and how it is slowly disappearing from our world.
Intended Audience: directed towards a scholarly audience because it talks about why everything the writer claims is happening. The article is semi-informal
Purpose: Demonstrate how our old idea a man is slowly dissapearing. Men are no longer the primary breadwinners in American and Salam is pointing out that slowly that is how it will be around the world.
Claims: “The era of male dominance is coming to an end. “(page 629) Women will soon be the primary bread winners. Men and women will both had to adjust to a new social order where the two are equals.
Main Evidence: Salam states “The era of male dominance is coming to an end. “(page 629) From the first paragraph or so the reader can clearly see what the article will be about. Salam also states how the Great Depression did many of the same things that the Recession has done only that The New Deal was what saved Machismo then. He states that there is nothing like the new deal today, a political action that focused on creating jobs for men; and with our a New Deal like event happening the Macho will have to go. Salam talks about how there is no way to bring back the Macho because the jobs that sustained those ideas are no longer there and both men and women will have to adapt. Salam announces “We can expect the transition to be wrenching, uneven, and possibly very violent.” (page 636)
Rhetorical Analysis:
Writer’s Strategy #1 Definition of the Male macho
Writer’s Strategy#2 Classification and division
Writer’s Strategy#3 cause and effect with a bit of compare and contrast.
Reader Effect# 1 Logos was very present in this article as Salam talks about the logical reasoning behind why machoism is dying.
My Response: This article is very credible. The article had no pathos or ethos in my opinion it was a very good example of a logical article using examples and information to explain Salams case.
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